About us

Commitment to the country, our reason for being

Sustainability, shared value, organizational adaptation and contribute to territorial development through a secure business activity and respect for the environment, are the keys to be in tune with the present and to have a strategic sight to the future.


Connecting the plain with the sea

Committed to development, the environment, and communities, this is how we develop the most important crude oil transportation operation in Colombia. A mission that begins in the plains savannas of Casanare and ends in the Gulf of Morrosquillo, in Sucre.


This is our relationship with water

The transportation of crude oil involves working on several fronts, among them to conserve and protect water. These are the actions that Ocensa has taken to demonstrate our commitment is aimed at having an environmentally sustainable operation.

We are the backbone of hydrocarbon transportation in Colombia, having the most extensive linear infrastructure in the country, transporting crude oil through a pipeline of 836 km underground and 12 km undersea. We understand and value the territory where we operate for more than 25 years.

In 2021 we earmarked USD 4,659,393 for social and environmental investment projects, distributed as follows

17% Environment
38% Community Development
17% Sustainable Reactivation
12% Institutional Strengthening
2% Education
13% Knowledge management
1% Management support
This is our reason for being
Ocensa is the backbone of hydrocarbon transportation in Colombia, crossing 836 kilometers on land and 12 in the Caribbean Sea. We are a connector of regions and cultures, a unifying thread of territorial development, committed to the environment and communities.

A visit to the future

Relationship with our clients is a priority. The best way to do this is to get to know first-hand botrthow is a day of our operation. The scenario this time, the Coveñas Maritime Terminal. Our special guest, Ecopetrol’s Commercial and Marketing Vice-Presidency.

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Report of acts and conditions See more
Sale of equipment and new materials See more
Mail for legal notifications See more


Business consolidation and transportation